Create Custom CMIP6 Data Request

This WebGUI facilitates the use of Martin Juckes'
Data Request Python (DreqPy) API
to generate a customized requested variable list for CMIP6.

A Data Request depends on the MIPs to be supported,
the Experiments to be conducted as well as the
Experiment Tier and the Priority of the requested variables.

In the following a customized data request can be generated
either in .csv or .xlsx format. Alternatively an Excel sheet
containing the data request for all MIPs and Experiments can
be downloaded:


Select DataRequest Version


Select MIP(s)

Select Experiment(s)

Select maximum priority and tier

  Variable Priority (max)
  Experiment Tier (max)

Generate DataRequest in .CSV format

Select Include for your desired information or - if desired -
alternatively choose a number as sort order priority:
The lower the number, the higher the sort priority.
(Options with setting Include will be ignored in the sorting process!)


Generate DataRequest in .XLSX format

The Excel Sheet will also contain a Data Volume Estimate.
To retrieve a model-specific estimate, the Grid Specification-settings
under the Volume Estimate -Tab have to be adjusted.
Above attribute filters apply only when generating CSV files!